What's happening with the Stanthorpe Art Prize?

We hope you are well and safe at this time when our minds are filled with the present situation.

COVID-19 has disrupted many of the ways we gather to express ourselves. We would like to update you regarding the current situation.

In terms of judging, the Stanthorpe 2020 Art Prize process remains the same and entries are with the judges: After this process is finished all entrants will be informed of the judges’ decisions.

In the unlikely event that the present closures and the government directive of social isolation changes in the near future, we will go ahead with the Stanthorpe Art Prize 2020 as per the original advertised dates.

We believe, however, that this will be unlikely and have reserved an alternative date in the Gallery’s exhibition schedule in early 2021 for the Stanthorpe Art Prize Exhibition. The format of the rescheduled exhibition will be as per the original event, with an opening night, exhibition, and a coordinated publicity and marketing package to encourage sales.

Please understand that these current plans could change. We hope this will not be the case, but will keep you informed of further developments.

We understand this is a very difficult time for everyone.

Please keep safe and well.

Kind regards

Mary Findlay
Gallery Director


Artists informed of Stanthorpe Art Prize Shortlist
