Buprestidae Temognatha Gemmelli, Hilda Bryzenski, 1997


Courtesy Harslett family. Photograph by Sandra McEwan.

The artist Dr Hilda Bryzenski was the first candidate for a PhD. from the distinguished course in wildlife illustration unique to Newcastle. She won first place in the Black and White Illustration Competition held in conjunction with the 28th AGM and Scientific Conference of the Australian Entomological Society held in Melbourne in 1997. Dr Bryzenski lives in Stanthorpe.

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Temognatha is a genus of metallic wood-boring beetles. Over 85 species in the genus are native to Australia. This new species was discovered in the Granite Belt region in the mid-1900s by Alex Gemmell, and was named after him i.e. “gemmelli”. It was collected on flowering leptospermum (tea tree).